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Tech Jobs for Techies and Non-Techies

Asca Akiyama

Top right counterclockwise: Aslam Hussein; Janelle Boyd; Melissa Huyter; Lydia Chen

In the ever-evolving technology industry, jobs have expanded beyond traditional engineering roles. This month, FUTURE NOW hosted a panel with DoubleVerify, a digital media measurement, analytics, and verification company. Through an interview moderated by DV recruiter Janelle Boyd and FUTURE NOW founder Peggy Kim, the audience gained insights from four DV employees who shared valuable tips for charting a career path in the tech industry.

Titled “Tech Jobs for Techies and Non-Techies”, the forum exemplified the diversity of DoubleVerify by showcasing employees in seemingly non-traditional tech jobs. The panel included Senior Product Analyst Lydia Chen, who helps promote a healthier online community by preventing ad revenue from inappropriate content such as hate speech; Aslam Hussein, an Associate Account Manager who oversees billing and reporting initiatives; Melissa Huyter, who improves company culture and organizes company-wide cultural initiatives in her role as a Workplace Experience Socialist; and moderator Boyd, a Senior Technical Talent Partner.

Kicking off the panel, Boyd emphasized that the tech industry welcomes professionals from various backgrounds, regardless of their educational experiences and history of employment. “It doesn’t matter if you went to school for art or architecture, you can be in technology. There are so many paths to get to this, and I want to encourage you all to consider this industry if there's something about it that interests you.” Janelle encouraged the audience to explore the industry and called attention to the unique avenues for professional growth at DoubleVerify.

During the interview, the DoubleVerify employees shared their favorite aspects of the company and their respective roles. Aslam highlighted the autonomy he enjoys in developing scalable financial processes in alignment with the growing company, which he finds to be the most rewarding aspect of his role.

Similarly, Chen appreciates the startup-like atmosphere within DV, where she is given both autonomy and trust. “Even though it’s a big company, DoubleVerify still has that startup vibe. You get to have ownership over different projects, and there is flexibility to work on a variety of platforms.”

Boyd added, “We went public in April of 2021, and the company is valued at over $5 billion, but it still feels like a startup. It feels like we’re making something new with this cutting-edge technology, and everyone here has the ability to grow and stretch within their role, which speaks to the culture at DV.”

Huyter finds fulfillment in partnering with nonprofits, such as FUTURE NOW. “Partnering and developing relationships with nonprofits like FUTURE NOW is my favorite part of my role. Being able to make a meaningful impact is huge, and it’s unique and rare.” Huyter’s role in promoting a more inclusive work environment attests to DoubleVerify’s commitment to diversity and investment in employee satisfaction.

The DV employees gave advice to those planning to make that career leap into the tech industry. Huyter told the audience not to be afraid, explaining that their skills and experiences from different industries remain valuable. “Don’t be afraid. Every hiring team is looking for something new, and I think this makes this world more diverse and interesting.”

Huyter also underlined the importance of trust for healthy company culture. “Building trust is really important and is a super valuable skill. Learning how to trust your teammates, your manager, as well as yourself opens the door to taking action on the changes that need to be made.”

Hussein expanded on Huyter’s comment: “If you can trust your manager and have open communication with them, it makes solving problems easier. If a mistake is made and you’re not scared to go to them for support, it’s easier to fix the issue.”

Hussein encouraged continuous learning and leveraging that acquired knowledge to your advantage. “Never stop learning. Whatever knowledge you gain can be used in whatever role you land, especially in tech.”

Chen chimed in, “Be curious and take initiative. Even if you studied technology, most of these roles require you to continuously learn and adapt. For example, there are always new versions and operating systems coming out that you have to constantly update your knowledge on. Taking the initiative to talk about it and ask questions is important in any job you may find yourself in.”

The panel came to a close with a question from one of the attendees: “What is one thing you wish you did differently earlier in your career that the audience can learn from?”

Boyd stressed the importance of betting on yourself and embracing change: “I didn’t think I was enough. I thought I needed more. I didn’t take chances. When you’re young, apply, go to networking events, and reach out to that person on LinkedIn. Just do it. If you want it, go after it. People are super forgiving when you’re young.”

The DV employees discussed the significance of networking. “This was advice I got when I was a new grad, but I didn’t really take advantage of it until now,” Chen said. “People want to help. Just ask. There’s LinkedIn and so many other social media platforms where you can connect and expand your network.”

Boyd advised individuals to find a sponsor within the company who can advocate for their growth and development in rooms they may not have access to: “Find your sponsor within the company. Find that person who will talk about you in rooms that you don’t have access to. And they will do that when you are excelling in the role that you are in.”

Hussein suggested networking both within and outside the company, emphasizing the merit of building relationships with colleagues within their team as well as professionals outside their immediate circle: “Don’t go to the job, do the job, and go home. Make connections with people within your team and outside of your team because you never know what doors will open up for you.”

If the tech scene seems intimidating, just remember that “it’s all a part of your exploration,” as FUTURE NOW CEO Kim said. “These relationships will be so additive to you as a human being, as well as professionally.”

Even if you have limited tech experience, you can still find and excel within a role at companies like DoubleVerify, which have ads to run and people to manage—all things that can be done without anything like a computer science degree.

Above all, however, Boyd advocates for simply doing your best. “People are always watching, and if you put your best foot forward, they will always notice.”



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